Thursday, July 1, 2010

Never Again Will I...

Take 5 hour classes.
This intensive program is killing me, and NOT because it's intense. So far we're still learning things from basic, which means present tense. And I go to school for 5 hours a day and practically fall asleep in class.

I really have nothing cool to share, and I feel so lame! Life is continuing as normal. I'm spending a lot of time with Jen, Lauren, and Mary Lyn - but Lauren and Mary Lyn are only here for a month, so our time is quickly ending, and Jen and are trying to plan things to do with ourselves to fill the void. Haha.

On Tuesday I left class early for a little CEA trip to a leather factory, which was not at all what I expected (that pesky thing about expectations). I thought it would be more like they would give us some kind of an explanation about how they make their products, but they were solely there to sell us things. And they didn't have boots. So it wasn't really worth my time to miss class. And because I missed some class Tuesday, I skipped our trip to Plaza de Mayo today (which I can do with the semester students instead of the summer students).
After the Leather Factory thing, we were going to take the bus back to the school and change lines to our own respective neighborhoods, and so Mary Lyn and I were on the lookout for our stop. And then we missed it. And we stayed on the bus. It got on a highway and went 45 minutes out of the city into Buenos Aires provinces. So, some nice ladies told the bus driver not to let us off because we were clearly lost, and he listened. Sometimes prayers get answered instantly. Needless to say, I'm definitely not friends with the #15 bus line right now...

This weekend should be a good weekend though. Of course the weather was supposed to be beautiful and then it changed to 4 days of rain, BUT there are so many things going on!
1) Tomorrow night me and my two roommates are going to go out (yay! My first time!)
2) Saturday is the Argentina vs. Germany game and Germany is going need to watch their backs. Plus, I bought a jersey from a street vendor, so I'm really excited to wear it.
3) We're going to the Tigre Delta, which is supposed to be gorgeous and my grandfather told me I had to make sure I went, so I'm glad we're going as a group.
4) If it doesn't rain, we're supposed to go to the Ferias of San Telmo and Recoleta (which is just a few blocks from my homestay!)
5) On Saturday night, after a really full day of activities, my friends, my roommates, and I plan to go to this bar that has board games at the tables, so it should be a fun/chill night out.

Anyway, Emily (my roommate) has convinced me to power-hour through my homework so that we can finish watching Juno together.
So, until next time, chau!


  1. Soooooo, how hot are the guys? Better than Costa Rica?

  2. Leslie you know that's impossible. There are no men hotter than Costa Rican men. Except for my inexplicable attraction to Russians. Still trying to figure that one out.

  3. Haha, good question. There are some VERY attractive men, like Luis & Diego, but it's more like being in the United States where there's a definite mix and that means you see a lot of un-hotties to counter-act the hot population.
    And Erin, Italians. But that's not inexplicable.
